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Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy

On October 30, 2012, the SACS School Board adopted a new Acceptable Use Policy. The old policy below is encompassed in the new one. The new policy may be obtained by clicking on the link below.

6080 Internet Acceptable Use

The Metropolitan School District of Southwest Allen County shall provide its students, faculty, and staff access to the Internet to promote educational excellence and to achieve the corporation's educational mission, goals, and objectives. Use of the Internet should be based on specific curriculum-driven objectives and goals.

The Internet enables users to explore thousands of libraries, databases, bulletin boards, and other resources. Use of the Internet is an integral part of the district's curricula. Faculty members will provide guidance and instruction about the Internet to students. The district makes every reasonable effort to filter access to the Internet. The district's responsibilities include establishing reasonable boundaries of acceptable use, educating students about acceptable use, providing general supervision, and enforcing acceptable use guidelines. The district assumes no responsibility for any costs, liabilities, or damages that a user may incur while accessing the Internet.

Parents or legal guardians not wishing their student to have Internet access for curricular use must notify the school's administrator in writing.


  1. All users will follow copyright procedures.
  2. Internet use may not violate any local, state, or federal laws or statutes.
  3. Use of the Internet to access or process visual depictions of obscenity, child or adult pornography and/or materials harmful to minors, inappropriate text files, or files dangerous to the integrity of the network is prohibited.
  4. SACS provided/monitored direct electronic communications are not private. These include, but are not limited to blogs, wikis, forums, e-mail, instant messaging, broadcasting and video/audio conferencing. Their use must be curriculum related and reflect all guidelines herein with particular emphasis on protection of personal identification information.
  5. Users shall not use the network to harass or bully others.
  6. Inappropriate use of the network for personal and private business is prohibited.
  7. Any use of the network for product advertisement or political lobbying is prohibited.
  8. Users are prohibited from bypassing or attempting to bypass SACS servers or internet filters by any means, including but not limited to use of proxies or other anonymous website surfing.

It is important that students, staff, and parents understand this policy. The use of inappropriate material may result in the loss of the privilege to use this educational tool. If a user violates any of these provisions, his/her account will be terminated and future access could possibly be denied. Violation of these guidelines is subject to disciplinary procedures by the school's building administrator.
(revised 7/08/2008)

6085 Website Guidelines and Responsibilities
The Board recognizes that students, faculty, and staff may wish to post material on the district's website. The Superintendent shall promulgate Website Guidelines and Responsibilities to ensure that all material posted on the district's website furthers the educational mission of the school and complies with the district's policies regarding Internet acceptable use. All postings on the district's website must comply with the Website Guidelines and Responsibilities.

(Adopted: 12/07/04)